Meet 80-year-old Ghanshyam Patel, who delivers free food to the kin of patients from remote areas at Civil Hospital daily. He founded Gujarat Dardi Lok Kalyan Trust for the purpose in 1999 and started serving free lunch and dinner to 10 persons. Ten years on, the number of beneficiaries has swelled to 250 with support from different quarters.
Patel was admitted to Cancer Hospital in 1999. While undergoing treatment, he came across several poor patients from remote areas. He learnt that their relatives had to start for the hospital before dawn for attending to them because they could not afford to hire attendants. They hardly ate anything.
The poignant saga had a deep imprint in Patel’s mind and he decided to do something for the hapless kin of poor patients. Back home completely cured, he floated the idea of feeding them in front of other occupants of the complex he stayed in Naranpura, opposite to Ghatlodia police station. Each apartment owner agreed to donate a tiffin once a week.
After a couple of brainstorming sessions, Patel and his team founded Gujarat Dardi Lok Kalyan Trust. To start with, its members decided to deliver 10 tiffins each at lunch and dinner time.
Patel’s initiative became the talk of the town soon. Residents of nearby apartments and housing complexes also expressed their wish to chip in. Within three months, the number of beneficiaries surged to 25 in each half of the day. Patel had to appoint two cycle-wallahs for transporting the tiffins to the hospital.
A few months on, a young entrepreneur, son of one of the friends of Patel, made arrangements for 12-15 more tiffins. He also bought the trust a second-hand loading rickshaw for carrying the tiffins to Civil Hospital. A driver was appointed for steering it but the trust could not afford to give him salary. Patel sought help of his apartment’s residents once more. This time, its association decided to foot the bill of the driver.
The popularity of Patel’s free tiffin service soared with time and several more people joined his noble mission. With the number of contributors increasing, Patel started a monthly rotation system. Each contributor now delivers one tiffin a month. At present, free lunch and dinner reach 250 relatives of Civil Hospital patients daily in four loading rickshaws. Charity can tee-off from anywhere, ain’t it?
Courtesy: Ahmedabad Mirror
Ghanshyam Patel |
Tiffin service provider He founded the Gujarat Dardi Lok Kalyan Trust in 1999 to deliver free food to the kin of patients at Civil Hospital. From 10 persons his clientele has expanded to 250 with the help of the local population...... People of Gujarat are great!!!!!!!!!!!! |
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