The annual horse show held by the Equestrian Association of Gujarat promises to be a gala event this year. The three-day event among others will feature a horse race and should serve as the star attraction where pure breeds ridden by bare-back jockeys will gallop to glory.
Even the Gujarat Mounted Police have confirmed their participation. Seventy-two police horses will take in part in horse parade. On the cards are exciting games like show jumping, tent pegging, pole banding and jumping over six bars.
Close to 500 horses and their owners will congregate and compete in categories like Best Marawari (colt stallion, filly and mare), Best Kathiawari (colt, stallion, filly and mare), Horse dance, Baral Race, Reval Chaal and the highly exciting Garo levo.
Keeping in spirit the use of traditional forms, the best decorated horse will be judged on the means of decorative materials used and produced in the state.
The show is being jointly hosted by Veterinary College, Anand Agriculture University and Charotar Horse society in association with the Animal Husbandry department.
Held with the aim to spread awareness about horses, this time the show has also been supported by Veterinary College, Anand to give vets, young interns an opportunity to learn about horses.
"Generally in veterinary colleges you only learn about cattle. Horse is the most sensitive animal and it is hard to find a horse specialist. We will call medical students from three colleges to know and understand about horses, as in the longer run, it will help the owners and the students," said DN Rank, organising secretary.
First it was NOT at all Horse Show organised by the was a Animal Husbandry Department of GUjarat who organised and Financed the Horse Show in Anand. EAG was a just ready to eat the prepared & served Cake in plate..!